Friday, May 15, 2009

Hi, I'm a Mac... and I'm a Mac.

The commercials where Justin Long represents a Mac and the nerdy John Hodgman represents a PC are called the "Get a Mac" campaign.

I recently read something I thought was very interesting about PC. He is a truly intelligent man and has had long and successful career in print as an editor for the New York Times and contributes to pubs such as Wired. He is a voice actor and has been on radio programs such as This American Life and a TV actor on The Daily Show. I think I also read he teaches. The funny thing is, in this article, Hodgman confesses he is a mac user. PC is a mac user.

Now that got me laughing. As a Mac guy myself I said "Yessss, another point for us." Hopefully you appreciate the irony in it as well. It really is funny, right? No.

It's not funny at all and in no way is it ironic. After further consideration I remembered it's a Mac commercial. Both men are actors and both are getting paid by Apple.

I guess they do such a great job with that campaign and it has been around so long that we just assume Long really is Mac and Hodgman really is PC. Great marketing. And really great casting.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

La Blogotheque

I have to share this with everyone.

La Blogotheque is a small group who film musician performing live impromptu songs. They don't edit them down and clean them up. The don't overlay studio recorded versions of the songs. The just capture these artists creating art. They do it in natural atmospheres vulnerable to instances of the environment, and even possibly mistakes. This demonstrates the characteristics that make us love seeing live shows versus only listening to studio tracks.

I chose the following two videos because The Tallest Man on Earth is an exceptional artist, but more importantly these videos, which again are shot with one camera and without tricks, are in themselves beautiful expressions of art. For most people videography is an art that is often ignored. But here, it is so well done that I am sure everyone takes notice.

To set the scene this is an excerpt from the Blogotheque site
"One catch: after soundcheck the day before, Tallest Man’s guitars were locked inside the NYC music venue, Town Hall, where he’d be playing later that night with Bon Iver. Solution: we’d have to shoot somewhere with a decent supply of guitars that he might borrow. A fan of music of all kinds, Jeff, the awesome, museum-quality proprietor of the legendary Music Inn on West 4th Street in Greenwich Village was happy to oblige..."

Tallest Man on Earth - The Gardener - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Tallest man on earth - These Days (Nico Cover) - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.